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Shipping in the continental US only. Orders are shipped generally within 24 hours of receipt. Credit card payments accepted through PayPal (you do NOT need a PayPal account).
Classic Lawn Lights - StaticStatic Lawn Lights are sets of Lawn Lights that do not display an effect. They display a single color or color scheme which remains static. |
Classic Lawn Lights - DynamicDynamic Lawn Lights are sets of Lawn Lights that display an effect. They display a single color or color scheme along with a dynamic effect. |
Lawn Lights ProLawn Lights Pro are sets of Lawn Lights that are programmable. They display any color or color scheme you prefer along with a dynamic effect. |
Free Shipping on all orders!
Shipping in the continental US only. Orders are shipped generally within 24 hours of receipt. Credit card payments accepted through PayPal (you do NOT need a PayPal account).